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We aim to connect Rationalists from Karlsruhe (Germany) and surrounding areas. We are always happy to get to know new people and new perspectives(!). Please feel free to drop by even if you are unsure, feel awkward about it, or are not 'the typical LessWrong / SSC reader'.

We will meet Tuesday 7pm at (ring at Room F504 on floor F).

As inspired by this post we will try to solve some exercises from the book Thinking Physics. Part of the exercise will be looking back how we could have solved the problem better.

The rough schedule:

  • 18:50 – 19:10: soft beginning, socializing
  • introductions (in case of new attendees)
  • 19:20-19:30 explain exercise
  • 19:30-20:30: solving Thinking Physics exercises alone and in groups of 2
  • 20:30: open ended discussion and social

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