by jenn
1 min read


Meet inside The Shops at Waterloo Town Square - we will congregate in the seating area with the trees sticking out in the middle of the benches at 7pm for 15 minutes, and then head over to my nearby apartment's amenity room. If you've been around a few times, feel free to meet up at my apartment front door for 7:30 instead. (There is free city parking at Bridgeport and Regina, 22 Bridgeport Rd E.)

Quick Summary

  • Same location as usual
  • This one is a postrat-ish type of workshop
  • Try to think a little about your own identity and how you relate to it before the meetup
  • Jenn is out of town the week after and flying back Wednesday of the week after that, consider volunteering to run a meetup


Our identity is a very interesting phenomenon.  We seem to carry an idea in our head about who we are, what kind of person we are and what that means about us.  Identity is both valuable and dangerous at various times.  Identity comes from our history and our experiences.  It is both our scars and the ideas we would die on a hill for.

 It is hard to think clearly about parts of your identity. To grow, you must change. Let things go when they don't work for you. This week, we'll try an exercise on shedding parts of our personality that might no longer be useful for us.

Reading: Keep Your Identity Small - Paul Graham, 2009

Meetups Meta

I'm going to Seattle for a week soon (May 3-10)! I'd prefer if other folks took over the May 4th and May 11th meetups. For the May 4th one, I won't even complain if it's about math or computer touching :^)

If you have topics/readings you'd like to discuss or a workshop/skillshare session you want to run, let me know and I'll help you coordinate venues and posts and stuff!

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