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On Thursday night starting at 8:00pm eastern, 7:00pm central The St. Louis Rationality Group will have an online discussion of the ACX Book Review Contest in GatherTown. We are inviting all other ACX/Rationality meetup groups as well. If you haven't read all the book reviews, still come. If you are nervous about talking to people because you find old age makes you less social, still come. If you will be late due to time zones or other obligations, still come. If you feel awkward, still come. It'll be fun. Here is the link to the event, click it for more information:


Let's talk ACX Book Reviews. You need not have read every book review to be part of this event, as long as you have read three or so you are good. The purpose here is to meet and learn from each other and share thoughts about this year's book reviews.

Wander from room to room and group to group and talk! No rules about group size or how long you have to stay within a group.

Here are some questions to ask each other:
Do you like or dislike the book review contest?
What makes a good book review?
Are there any books that you have read because of a great book review?
Which book reviews from this year's contest were your favorite?
Did you learn anything useful or insightful from any of the book reviews?
Is book reviewing an art?
What's the best book you've read in the past two years?

Here's a list of this year's book reviews:

1 Consciousness and the Brain

2 Making Nature

3 The Antipolitics Machine

4 The Castrato

5 The Dawn of Everything

6 Public Choice Theory and the Illusion of Grand Strategy

7 The Outlier

8 The Righteous Mind

9 The Society of the Spectacle

10 Viral

11 Exhaustion

12 The Internationalists

13 The Future of Fusion

14 God Emperor of Dune

15 1587 A Year of No Significance

Link list here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17UpKNUBC0He0To-T7c_vvOZV9kjLAykWgYL274NtaSc/edit?usp=sharing

We will also host the event again on Saturday morning for an international audience at this link https://app.gather.town/events/pXVcEMSts1dcxnOc7rqU

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