This year's ACX Meetup everywhere in Toledo, Ohio, USA.
Location: Toledo Botanical Garden. If coming by car, park in the north parking lot (entrance off Elmer Road). We will be at one of the picnic tables near the parking lot. I'll be wearing an orange shirt and carrying or posting on the table a sign reading ACX MEETUP. In case of bad weather, alternate location will be posted on LessWrong and on the Meetup group. –
Please RSVP on LessWrong or on the Meetup group (but not on both, it would make it harder to count RSVPs.)
Hi everybody, it looks like LessWrong made a new account for me in connection with this meetup, rather than using my existing account. Moderators, please put this event under my main account, NormanPerlmutter.
This year's ACX Meetup everywhere in Toledo, Ohio, USA.
Location: Toledo Botanical Garden. If coming by car, park in the north parking lot (entrance off Elmer Road). We will be at one of the picnic tables near the parking lot. I'll be wearing an orange shirt and carrying or posting on the table a sign reading ACX MEETUP. In case of bad weather, alternate location will be posted on LessWrong and on the Meetup group. –
Please RSVP on LessWrong or on the Meetup group (but not on both, it would make it harder to count RSVPs.)
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