1 min read


The host has requested RSVPs for this event
12 Going6 Maybe1 Can't Go
Peter J
Max Russek
Scott Lawrence
Kerry McKean
Monika Bochert
Josh Hoffer
Devon K
David Goldberg
Kat O'D
Patrick Losique

ACX/SSC Meetup!

If you came to the last Boulder ACX/SSC meetup, it's at the same place
9191 Tahoe Ln,
Boulder, CO 80301

Note: Some sites will take you to a dirt driveway on Arapahoe. Please don't come that way- use the driveway on Tahoe Ln.

Start time is 4pm til whenever.
We'll have snacks and probably pizza. Please RSVP so we have an approximate guest count.

We're planning on being outside, with plenty of shade/seating, but if it's cold/windy/rainy we'll move indoors.

There are about 5-6 parking spots down by the house.  When that gets full, park up by the barn.

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Thanks to everyone who came out! Was great to see you all.
One note- a bunch of folks have mentioned that the Google Group messages are going to spam.  If you haven't gotten any messages from the boulder-acx-ssc group, please check your SPAM folder and if they are in there, mark them as not spam.

Also- someone left an Orange and Grey fleece. If this is you let me know.

Just a reminder- this is happening this Sunday at 4pm!
Looking forward to seeing everyone.

You have the most awesome place for these meetups. Looking forward to hanging again!

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