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THIS WEEK'S THEME: Discussion of our plans to do local volunteering.

We will create a volunteering project and implement it in the community. This meeting is to determine which project we will focus on and create action steps.


  • 15 minutes announcements and open mingling
  • Begin the discussion of potential local volunteering projects we can set up as a group.
  • First we will define the criteria that determines a good volunteering project
  • Then, we will brainstorm ideas that meet those criteria
  • Then, we will decide as a group on the best option and next action steps for creating this project.
  • At 3:30pm, the host will wrap up the group discussion and ask for feedback. You're welcome to stay and mingle with other attendees informally for as long as you like.

Some potential ideas for local volunteering we can do have included starting a community garden in order to provide accessible fresh local produce to people throughout the Houston area and/or starting a permaculture garden for flood prevention. Please feel free to bring your own ideas! We will decide on the best one this week 🙂

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