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This year's ACX Meetup everywhere in Bonn, Germany.

Location: Hofgartenwiese an der Statue von August Macke. Look out for this statue and a small sign saying 'ACX'. If you are late or bad weather is forecast please email me. – ///snooty.sings.both


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Hi guys,

the ACX Meetup Everywhere Bonn will be today at 19:00 and I hope you are as excited as I am! The current weather forecast does not include rain for the evening, but it will be 17 degrees outside. With warm clothing that is an acceptable temperature, but our meeting may last longer if we move it indoors - for example to the Cafe Blau or the Cafe Spitz. Both are open until after midnight and have good acoustics that don't drown out conversations. The Cafe Blau also offers vegan food. Do you have an opinion on this? If so, please tell me within the next three hours so I can arrange a table for us.

See you later, Anton

Hi Anton,

I don't know any of those, but they both look good to me. I have a slight preference for outdoor meetings but with the weather I guess indoors is better.

Looking forward to seeing you all! Remi

Hi Anton,

I am fine with any of these options. See you later!

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