You are invited to join Vision Weekend Europe, the annual festival of Foresight Institute at Bückeburg Castle in Germany from July 12 - 14. 

What’s this year’s theme? This year’s main conference track is dedicated to “Paths to Progress”; meaning you will hear 10+ invited presentations from Foresight’s core community highlighting paths to progress in the following areas:

  • Long-term History & Flourishing Futures
  • Longevity, Rejuvenation, Cryonics
  • Molecular Machines, Computing, APM
  • Neurotech, BCIs & WBEs
  • Cryptography, Security & AI
  • Energy, Space, Expansion
  • Funding, Innovation, Progress

Confirmed presenters include Jaan Tallinn (Future of Life Institute), Hendrik Dietz (Dietz Lab), Anders Sandberg (University of Oxford), Catalin Mitelut (NYU), Muriel Richard-Noca (ClearSpace), Nikolina Lauc (GlycanAge), Andrew Critch (Encultured), Joao Pedro De Magalhaes (University of Birmingham), Jeremy Barton, Toby Pilditch (Transformative Futures Institute), Matjaz Leonardis (Oxford University), Trent McConaghy (Ocean Protocol), Chiara Herzog (University of Edinburgh) and many others.

What experiences might I have? The choice is yours: You can either pick a path to progress highlighted by our presenters and deepdive with them, or you can propose an entirely new path to progress in your domain of choice. Apart from the main conference track, there will be participant-generated unconferences, office hours, curated 1-1s, interactive art, a cyberfutures dinner and other surprise experiences.

How can I join? Depending on the ticket tier you purchase, accommodation and access to exclusive satellite events are available. Check out the agenda, speakers and tickets here (including applications for highly subsidized $100 tickets):


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