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2 Going1 Maybe1 Can't Go
Taichi Kato
John O

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This is the Meetups Everywhere edition of a meetup that started in the 2018 Meetups Everywhere and is still going strong. As of this writing, I know 6-7 people are planning to come out of our normal rotation of about 8, and we're likely to get some new folks as well, hopefully including you! :)

We meet in several bars and restaurants in Northampton, this time at The Platform Sports Bar (which is much less lame than it sounds). Folks come from as far as Connecticut and it's always a fun time with interesting conversation and a friendly vibe. If you're any kind of rationalist, EA type, or a total newcomer to this scene, you'll be welcome.

We currently communicate via an email list; feel free to email me at to keep up to the speed. This is the first meetup we've listed online for a long time, so people are not in the habit of RSVPing, and the number of people who RSVP here and on Facebook will almost certainly be less than the number of people who come.

Important info about directions/location: The official address is bizarre and inaccurate; this is part of a group of bars & restaurants in a former rail station... a whole block away from Pleasant St. The simplest way to find it is the foot entrance around 36 Strong Ave., here: (make sure to look at street view). Go inside and ask them to show you to the outdoor seating area. We'll have a sign.

Look forward to meeting you!

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