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Spencer B

This year's Spring ACX Meetup everywhere in Denver.

Location: Sloan's Lake Park, North Side. Park in the Sloan's Lake North Parking Lot, walk just past the stone structure that's right there, and we'll be on the other side of it. Should have a shade structure up, and a white board that says ACX MEETUP on it (assuming I don't forget the dry erase marker this time). –

Group Link:

Public park, all ages welcome. We'll BBQ some burgers and hotdogs and have a variety of snacks and drinks. Some vegan dogs also available, but limited quantities. Eneasz of The Bayesian Conspiracy will almost certainly be there, as will Matt Freeman co-founder of The Guild Of the Rose. We don't have any structured activities, just hanging out and conversation and watching kiddos run around. We have monthly meetups, anyone who attends this is welcome to come to those as well :)


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