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Note: we'll be meeting IRL this week at Nathan's (@nburn42) place indoors (though possibly outdoors as well). 


Reading: Metaculus Prediction Party! 

No reading. We're going to do calibration exercises and put down some predictions in prediction markets in groups. Consider bringing a laptop, but using your phone should be fine. 

I will post instructions on the day of.

Location: 11841 Wagner St., Culver City

Note the following: 

1) Things start winding down around 11PM.

2) For parking: use street parking. Do not park in the driveway of the house. Street parking is free and doesn't require any permits.


6:30PM - 7:00PM - Gathering/Chatting

7:00PM - 7:20PM - Surprise of the Week

7:20PM - 7:30PM - Food Ordering / Vishal's Introduction the week

7:30PM - 9:00PM - Group Discussions

9:00PM - ??? - Hanging Out

Contact: The best way to contact me (or anybody else who is attending the meetup) is through our Discord. Feel free to message Vishal or Nathan directly. Invitation link:

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