1 min read


Note: Actual Taboo activity only starts at 2:30 pm.

It's been a while since we did Taboo, and even longer since in-person.

Taboo is a board game, but also a rationalist exercise that tests your worldmodel's ability to maintain a deep understanding across domains. You are required to get others to say a target word, while also restricted from using certain related words from a "prohibited" list.

We start with Taboo cards that from this site. You're also welcome to submit rationality-themed cards of your own for the game, which should look something like this (or formatted as in the link):

Target word: Ethics

Prohibited words: Good, Right, Moral, Proper, Should


The meetup is at Central Market, 4001 N. Lamar, in the cafe area. Look for the LW and SSC signs. People start arriving at 1:30 pm, and the main activity will begin at 2:30 pm. In light of the recent developments about Covid cases in Austin please follow store guidance on masks, stay home if sick or unvaccinated.

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