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Less Wrong meeting: 

Oct 8, 2pm on at Champs Sziget

First, we've switched to using a google group to manage the email addresses, instead of me sending it out from my private account. The main advantages of this are first, that you can just remove yourself from the list now and unsubscribe without telling me to stop sending you emails. Second, anyone of us can now start a conversation easily, without using some reply all function to a different email. And finally, this probably is less likely to end up going to spam (though I'm not actually sure of that.

Anyways I hope it works well!

Now onto plans for the meeting, so I think it ended up working pretty well at Champs Sziget last time, so we’ll meet there again, even though the  weather is heading steadily into the cold terrain, I think we’ll still be safely warm enough if we wear coats and sweaters, and stay under the umbrella if it is raining. 

What we did, with having small conversation groups switching around worked really well, so I want to do that again. Also it is a very low stress plan, which is good for me, since my wife’s due date for our first baby is Oct 17th (and thus there is a reasonable chance that Milan or Richard will be the main person leading the meeting). 

However, if someone wants to do a timed 5-15 minute talk on any topic, followed by discussion or questions about it before we break up into small groups, that would be great.

Hope to see you all there,



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