[edit: this will be postponed until lockdown clears]

This year's ACX Meetup everywhere in Auckland, New Zealand.

Location: If the current covid alert level allows indoor meetings, and the temperature listed here is at or below 18°C at 4pm, we will gather in Lim Chhour food court and asian supermarket on Karangahape Road. Otherwise (if either of those conditions are false), if the lockdown level permits small outdoor gatherings, we will try to meet in Albert Park, in the Gazebo here; or if someone else is using the gazebo we will meet beside it somewhere around here. You will be able to recognise us by the reflective silvery orb about the size of a rockmelon positioned in the center of the gathering. – ///jump.trial.films

Date is September 12th OR whichever Sunday first comes after the alert level once again permits gatherings

Contact: marcus.yass@gmail.com

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