The link in the rss feed entry for this at goes to which is a broken link (though, easily fixed by replacing "events" with "posts" in the url) .
[edit: it appears that it is no longer in the rss feed? It showed up in my rss feed reader.]
I think this has also happened with other "event" type posts in the rss feed before, but I may be remembering wrong.
I suspect this is some bug in how the rss feed is generated, but possibly it is a known bug which just hasn't been deemed important enough to fix yet.
I assume that when the event is updated that the additional information will include how to join the meetup?
I am interested in attending.
I think this happened because I unselected "Alignment Forum" for this event. To my best understanding, evens are not supposed to be Alignment Forum content, and it is a but that this is even possible. Therefore, I decided that the cooperative thing to do would be not to use this bug. Though I'm not sure what is better, since I think events should be allowed on the Alignment Forum.
> I assume that when the event is updated that the additional information will include how to join the meetup?
Yes. We'll probably be in Zoom, but I have not decided.
> I am interested in attending.
Great, see you there.
Are you new to AI Safety? Then this event if for you. This is an occasion to ask all your questions, and meet others in your situation.
Are you a veteran in AI Safety, or just have been around long enough to have some wisdom to share. Then you are welcome to join this meetup to share your knowledge and experience.
More info here.
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