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Henri Lemoine
Thomas L
Andrew Holliday


Come on out to the ACX (Astral Codex Ten) Montreal Meetup! We will be hosting a discussion on meta-honesty.

Recommended reading:

  • Meta-Honesty: Firming Up Honesty Around Its Edge-Cases (13m read) - In which Yudkowsky introduces the concept of "meta-honesty", suggesting that a person should not lie when a highly honest person wouldn't, and should also be forthright about the hypothetical situations that might cause them to lie or mislead.

Venue: L'Esplanade Tranquille, 1442 Clark, indoors, second floor on the right

Date & Time: Saturday, June 10th, 2023, 1:00-4:00 PM.

Please RSVP! RSVPing is not mandatory but it helps with planning the event and encourages others to come.

Email me at acxmontreal@gmail.com with questions.


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