I'm hopping on now! my internet is being a little slow so I'm not sure when vrchat will let me in. You can join with this link, though. http://tinyurl.com/4df87mt4
Seeking topics! Will reply here in a day or two with a pick if nobody has something they're super passionate about. I'm going to go through a few guides on how to run meetups to extract the topic ideas, I've seen some good ones floating around. in particular https://tigrennatenn.neocities.org/meetup_cookbook has some cool ideas. anyone partial to anything?
The next meetup will be held in this VRChat world:http://tinyurl.com/4df87mt4. Or search for "LESSWR.7138" under groups if you have trouble with the link.
Please RSVP above.
And don't forget to join our discord: https://discord.gg/U4GZSGmaF2
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