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Time and Location

This event will take place on the UW campus. We'll most likely be meeting in QNC 1506 Look for "KWRxEA" in large letters on the blackboard/whiteboard to see if you're in the right place.

Discussion will start at 7:30pm. There will be pizza.


This week we'll try our hand at discussion moral theory. Do the reading beforehand to familiarize yourself with one to two moral theory frameworks, and review the four scenarios and think up some hot takes about them. We'll collectively discuss the scenarios (plus whatever other controversial ethical problems you want to throw at the group) during the meetup.


Moral Theory Primer (excerpt from Disputed Moral Issues 4th ed by Mark Timmons)

  • Read the first 3 pages to get an overview of the most commonly used moral theories.
  • Pick one or two that sound interesting to you, and read the full description from the rest of the PDF (e.g. the section on Consequentialism starts on page 9 of the PDF, Natural Law Theory starts on page 14, etc.)

Four Ethical Scenarios for Discussion (excerpt from Ethics for the Information Age 8th ed by Michael J. Quinn)

  • You can skip over everything before and after the four scenarios. Be sure to read the accompanying questions for each scenario.

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