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Are people on LW generally anti-vaxx (in the context of Covid)?

Zvi is decidedly pro-Covid-vaxx: in one post about 6 months ago he recommended the mRNA vaccines for even young children, which seemed reckless to me 6 months ago and still seems reckless. (12 months ago, before the rise in the dominance of Omicron, with its lower fatality rate, you could make the case that vaccination of children is necessary to protect adults.) His weekly posts on Covid attracted many upvotes. I've never seen in many hundreds of posts and comments I've seen here on Covid any expression of skepticism about the Covid vaccines.

This video makes a strong case that the infection has killed at least an order of magnitude or 2 more people than the vaccines have. I do worry however that the doses of the vaccines already given will cause many to die prematurely, just slowly over the decades rather than quickly like the natural infection does: specifically, Robert Malone, Peter McCullough and others assert that the mRNA vaccines subject the body to much higher doses of the toxic spike protein than natural infection does; the spike protein kills heart-muscle cells (among other cell types); and heart muscle never grow new cells (except in embryos).

This recent article is a good explication of my worries.