If you would like to share the EA Survey with others, please share this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/EAS2020Share

The survey will close at the end of the year


What is the Effective Altruism Survey?

The Effective Altruism (EA) Survey provides valuable information about the demographics of the EA community, how people get involved, how they donate, what causes they prioritize, their experiences of EA, and more. LessWrong users are an important part of this community and we want to ensure they are represented.

The estimated average completion time for the main section of this year’s survey is 20 minutes. There is also an ‘Extra Credit’ section at the end of the survey, if you are happy to answer some more questions.


What's new this year?

There are two important changes regarding privacy and sharing permissions this year:

1) This year, all responses to the survey (including personal information such as name and e-mail address) will be shared with the Centre for Effective Altruism unless you opt out on the first page of the survey.

2) Rethink Priorities (the authors of the survey) will not be making an anonymised data set available to the community this year. We will, however, consider requests for us to provide additional aggregate analyses which are not included in our main series of posts.


Also the Centre for Effective Altruism has generously donated a prize of $500 USD that will be awarded to a randomly selected respondent to the EA Survey, for them to donate to any of the organizations listed on EA Funds. Please note that to be eligible, you need to provide a valid e-mail address so that we can contact you.

We would like to express our gratitude to the Centre for Effective Altruism for supporting our work.

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