Various people (including Konkvistador who has been talking about it the most) have launched their blog More Right
"A group blog, More Right is a place to discuss the many things that are touched by politics that we prefer wouldn’t be, as well as right wing ideas in general. It grew out of the correspondences among like minded people in late 2012, who first began their journey studying the findings of modern cognitive science on the failings of human reasoning and ended it reading serious 19th century gentlemen denouncing democracy. Surveying modernity, we found cracks in its façade. Findings and seemingly correct ideas, carefully bolted down and hidden, met with disapproving stares and inarticulate denunciation when unearthed. This only whetted our appetites. Proceeding from the surface to the foundations, we found them lacking. This is reflected in the spirit of the site."
I've actually received a lot of feedback on that piece both in email and on twitter.
Well if it didn't have embarrassing typos how would anyone know it was written by me? ;) I've actually had cowriters scold me on several errors in that piece and I would have corrected it earlier this week but I've been working with very limited computer access in the past three months. Trying to edit articles in wordpress on my smartphone is a nightmare so I put it off until today when I finally got a home computer again and more importantly installed a spellchecker.
There are the open threads. But this is a policy we may change in the future, I'm particularly interested in how James' new approach will work out in the following weeks. What do you think of it?
Huh. This surprises me. Fair enough.