1 min read


I'd like to be able to sort comments as a list, too.

An example of this would be sorting comments by new as a list so all the comments you read will be new ones.

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11 comments, sorted by Click to highlight new comments since:
  1. Open thread
  2. There's not a "person who makes all the site changes people want". Site changes seem to always be on a volunteer basis (meaning, do it yourself if you want it badly).

Open thread? What?

Nice! How do I go about adding a feature to the site that everyone can use?

Open the web console. Paste the following in. Hit enter.

if(jQuery('.new-comment').length > 0) jQuery('.comment').not('.new-comment').children().filter('.entry').hide()


Is there any way to make this a little more automatic for the future?

You can make it into a bookmarklet and add it to your bookmarks bar. I don't know what browser you're looking for, but you can google for specific instructions if you don't know how.

Yup. I did that first thing.

But how do I sort the comments by new (and as a list?) Seeing only new comments is useful, but what about chronological ordering for all comments?

(function($) {if($('.new-comment').length > 0) { var time = function(c) { return parseInt(jQuery(c).find('.comment-date').attr('time')); }; var new_comments = $('.new-comment').sort(function(a, b) { return time(b) - time(a); }); $('.realcomment').after(new_comments); }})(jQuery);

This should work. I put the newest ones first, but you can switch that by changing

time(b) - time(a)


time(a) - time(b)

How does that differ from "Sort By:New"?

That's in a tree. (new posts under old ones won't be before the old ones)


Flat instead of nested.

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