
This is a link-post for the announcement on our website.

Do you have an idea for an educational module or tool related to rationality, effective altruism, or psychology that could benefit the general public? If you do, we'd love to hear from you, because we're running our Clearer Thinking micro-grants program again! You can earn up to $595 for proposing, designing, and/or building (with our help) a short online tool aligned with our mission. To apply, just submit your idea for a beneficial learning tool in under 400 words.

Here is the link to apply.

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I think it's worth noting that Raemon assembled a list of high-impact rationality posts here, beyond The Sequences and the CFAR handbook. A bookmark-convenient website that just... shows a random distillation of one of the pieces of those posts each time you refresh, would probably be very effective (or an app, I don't use apps so I don't know whether that would work).