This isn't a real article, it's just a test that I'm using to see what the Discussion section can and can't do. In particular, I want to see whether it's possible to move an article from the Discussion section to a Less Wrong top-level post (or vise-versa); if so, that would be a good strategy for drafts that need feedback before they're ready for the front page, but which are likely to generate topical discussions that should be preserved.
This isn't a real article, it's just a test that I'm using to see what the Discussion section can and can't do. In particular, I want to see whether it's possible to move an article from the Discussion section to a Less Wrong top-level post (or vise-versa); if so, that would be a good strategy for drafts that need feedback before they're ready for the front page, but which are likely to generate topical discussions that should be preserved.