I've recently read the decision theory FAQ, as well as Eliezer's TDT paper. When reading the TDT paper, a simple decision procedure occurred to me which as far as I can tell gets the correct answer to every tricky decision problem I've seen. As discussed in the FAQ above, evidential decision theory get's the chewing gum problem wrong, causal decision theory gets Newcomb's problem wrong, and TDT gets counterfactual mugging wrong.
In the TDT paper, Eliezer postulates an agent named Gloria (page 29), who is defined as an agent who maximizes decision-determined problems. He describes how a CDT-agent named Reena would want to transform herself into Gloria. Eliezer writes
By Gloria’s nature, she always already has the decision-type causal agents wish they had, without need of precommitment.
Eliezer then later goes on the develop TDT, which is supposed to construct Gloria as a byproduct.
Gloria, as we have defined her, is defined only over completely decision-determined problems of which she has full knowledge. However, the agenda of this manuscript is to introduce a formal, general decision theory which reduces to Gloria as a special case.
Why can't we instead construct Gloria directly, using the idea of the thing that CDT agents wished they were? Obviously we can't just postulate a decision algorithm that we don't know how to execute, and then note that a CDT agent would wish they had that decision algorithm, and pretend we had solved the problem. We need to be able to describe the ideal decision algorithm to a level of detail that we could theoretically program into an AI.
Consider this decision algorithm, which I'll temporarily call Nameless Decision Theory (NDT) until I get feedback about whether it deserves a name: you should always make the decision that a CDT-agent would have wished he had pre-committed to, if he had previously known he'd be in his current situation and had the opportunity to precommit to a decision.
In effect, you are making an general precommittment to behave as if you made all specific precommitments that would ever be advantageous to you.
NDT is so simple, and Eliezer comes so close to stating it in his discussion of Gloria, that I assume there is some flaw with it that I'm not seeing. Perhaps NDT does not count as a "real"/"well defined" decision procedure, or can't be formalized for some reason? Even so, it does seem like it'd be possible to program an AI to behave in this way.
Can someone give an example of a decision problem for which this decision procedure fails? Or for which there are multiple possible precommitments that you would have wished you'd made and it's not clear which one is best?
EDIT: I now think this definition of NDT better captures what I was trying to express: You should always make the decision that a CDT-agent would have wished he had precommitted to, if he had previously considered the possibility of his current situation and had the opportunity to costlessly precommit to a decision.
I believe that NDT gets this problem right.
The paper you link to shows that a pure CDT agent would not self modify into an NDT agent, because a CDT agent wouldn't really have the concept of "logical" connections between agents. The understanding that both logical and causal connections are real things is what would compel an agent to self-modify to NDT.
However, if there was some path by which an agent started out as pure CDT and then became NDT, the NDT agent would still choose correctly on Retro Blackmail even if the researcher had its original CDT source code. The NDT agent's decision procedure explicitly tells it to behave as if it had precommitted before the researcher got its source code.
So even if the CDT --> NDT transition is impossible, since I don't think any of us here are pure CDT agents, we can still adopt NDT and profit.
In the retro blackmail, CDT does not precommit to refusing even if it's given the opportunity to do so before the researcher gets its source code. This is because CDT believes that the researcher is predicting according to a causally disconnected copy of itself, and therefore it does not believe that its actions can affect the copy. (That is, if CDT knows it is going to be retro blackmailed, and considers this before the researcher gets access to its source code, then it still doesn't precommit.) The failure here is that CDT only reasons according to what ... (read more)