Crickets at $38/pound dry weight are close to being competitive with salmon (more than 3 pounds needed to get the equivalent nutrition). Or $23/pound in Thailand (before high shipping fees), suggesting the cost in the U.S. will drop a bit as increased popularity causes more competition and economies of scale.
Textured vegetable protein.
Go for insulin index not glycemic index: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin_index
I am confused - if you have willpower issues, why do you want high-calorie food. Stuffing yourself on them until you feel full or at any rate until the pleasure of eating is maximally satisfied will lead to over-maintenance calories.
Maybe you should be looking to high-satiety, not high-calorie?
Top 20 sorted for satiety/insulin ratio: http://i.imgur.com/q52ddwv.png
I have found the following about myself:
1) I never feel full on meat + vegs, but adding a bit of bread does the job. Conversely, I never feel full on bread or rice or generally carbs only, adding a bit of meat does the job. It seems I need the combination.
2) interestingly, the kind of thick pea soup with some meat + bread logic of homeless soup-kitchens is actually working. Apparently, when grease is diluted with hot water in a soup, and some bread is added, it works for satiety.
1+2) it seems my body wants at least a bit of carb high and a coating of grease on the inside of the stomach, even if diluted
despite the study, I still get my carbs from wholemeal rye bread (rank 14 here), as sandwiches are easier than pasta and I need fiber due to gut issues
the easy fast work lunch for me, from grocery store ingredients bought near work (hate packing it from home) is rye wholemeal bread and salmon 50g package
Does anyone have an idea what is brown pasta? Wholemeal? Rye? Pasta colored brown with food coloring (don't laugh, they do shit like this to trick the gullible).
I never feel full on meat + vegs, but adding a bit of bread does the job. Conversely, I never feel full on bread or rice or generally carbs only, adding a bit of meat does the job. It seems I need the combination.
My subjective experience is that starting a meal with a small amount of insulin spiking carbohydrate and then moving on to protein and fat results in feeling full faster than starting with the protein/fat and moving on to the carbs. I generally have a rule about portioning my food out at the beginning of the meal and not going back for more until 20 minutes after I finish the first portions. Usually this prevents me from overeating, although eating imbalanced meals almost always leaves me hungry long enough to get second helpings.
Dessert-first? So that is why we don't let kids eat dessert first because they won't eat the vegs afterwards? Kind of checks out...
Thanks for the insulin index recommendation. I'm not worried about satiety issues for now, though I almost certainly will be one day if I live long enough. That said, that list is also a really money approach, +1.
I don't intend to cause any offense - but this post seems a little bit localised, if not personalised. You could attempt generalizing this post a bit, which would make it a lot more useful.
I would also advice using the search function, for example, I remember this thread from two months ago http://lesswrong.com/lw/lk7/optimal_eating_or_rather_a_step_in_the_right/ which might prove useful. There might be more, so you could be saving time (that you've just said is scarce) instead of re-inventing the wheel.
Thanks for the advice and no offense taken. Since I'm far from an expert in this area it didn't make sense for me to try to generalize to advice, but I thought the data set could be useful.
I mostly avoid this kind of analysis as food and digestion is an extremely complicated subject.
Glycemic load, for instance, is known to behave in a quite non-linear way. If you mix two foods, the total glycemic load might be very different from sum of the individual parts. It also depends on a lot of other factors, like person-specific factors and situation-specific factors.
Interesting. One referenced study (Comparison with ancestral diets) gives an interesting interpreatation:
[This] suggests that in parallel with the bacterial effects of sugars on dental and periodontal health, acellular flours, sugars, and processed foods produce an inflammatory microbiota via the upper gastrointestinal tract, with fat able to effect a “double hit” by increasing systemic absorption of lipopolysaccharide. This model is consistent with a broad spectrum of reported dietary phenomena.
Interesting, but since FreshDirect only delivers to New York (according to a Google search - being British I hadn't heard of them before), and it's only a slight majority of LWers that even live in the United States (54.7%), I'm not sure how well the data generalises. It's in-depth and community-norm-conforming that I don't really mind the post being here, but how much use is this to people in different regions or countries, or even just other New Yorkers who prefer to physically go shopping for their food?
Thanks for the positive feedback. In re your critique, do you want to bet that the prices will be on average more than 30% percent different at your nearest grocery store?
I wouldn't take that bet, I was thinking of smaller differences with changes in the ordering of cost-per-calorie as the main concern, and on reflection those differences shouldn't matter much to the usefulness.
Mixing the high glycemic load foods with the low glycemic load foods will result in a lower peak insulin concentration than if you ate them separately.
Also, millet has a slightly higher glycemic load (12/100g) compared to quinoa (10/100g), but has almost the same calories (~120) and is usually significantly cheaper (in my area, it's about a third the cost when purchased in bulk). It's probably comparable to the basmati brown (which I don't like the taste of).