
We say to the watermelon
"We accept your offering of sugar. We will share our riches with you in return, that you may have the safety and plenty to grow even sweeter."
And we say to the watermelon
"You make these seeds to carry on your line, in the only way you know how. But we are clever, and if you leave your seeds behind we will spread your children farther than your seeds could ever have carried them."
And we say to the watermelon
"Another great summer. Let's do this again every year."
And we say to the watermelon
"Come travel the world with me! My friends want to meet you.
And we say to the watermelon
"I love you."

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If anyone wants to use/distribute this as part of a Summer Solstice celebration, or any other rationalist celebration, feel free! Attribution to "Arti" is appreciated, as is letting me know you used it, but neither is required.
...I would have been happy to release this as CC0, but I realized I don't want it remixed/used to justify industrial farming of animals, who (unlike the watermelon) do have preferences as individuals. So I guess if you want a formal license, CC BY-ND is fine, but with my explicit blessing to collate/collect with other works as long as the text isn't modified (and if you want something less restrictive, contact me and we can figure something out).

I recognize that this applies to many fruits, some more closely than watermelon, even. But, well, see the title.
(My partner mentions bananas in particular, but if it were about bananas I would have felt dishonest if there wasn't some mention of banana republics, and that's not the tone I'm going for.)