Hi there,

I'm brand new here and I have a question for this fine community.

Who designed this site?

The reason I ask is because the design of this site is superb. Every element—everywhere I look—is visually gorgeous to look at. Not only that, but all that I find "visually gorgeous" is really well thought out.

  • The way the links preview when you hover over them (and how sometimes, they display different things when you hover over them.
  • The way the comments... well, display the comments. Amazing.

Holy cannoli, that comment section...

Have you seen the comment section at the bottom of the pages here? Have you seen how it works?

It's gorgeous!

I've never seen anything like that before. Someone spent some serious time figuring out that comment system.

It's a work of art!

Any information on how this site came to look so darn good (and work so darn well) is much appreciated.

P.S. Although it wasn't the original reason I joined, the "things" discussed here are my kind of "things" and, the people that discuss it, sound like they're my kind of people.

Planets seemed to have aligned.

Thanks for making this place.

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D'awww. Thanks. The site is built by the LessWrong Team (the aesthetic is mostly habryka's)

Have you seen the comment section at the bottom of the pages here? Have you seen how it works?

It's gorgeous!

I've never seen anything like that before. Someone spent some serious time figuring out that comment system.

I'm interested in what specifically you found good about the comment section (there's a lot of things going on there). Just  the general aesthetic, or were there particular UI interactions that worked well for you?

Hey, thanks for the link!

Yep, I'm primarily talking about the general aesthetic of it all. The whole design not only looks good but also makes the navigation of threads and their replies really easy.

Each thread is a box, and each reply in... each thread is a box inside that original box!

What I really like is how pages with quite a few comments load in a "collapsed" state. And that "collapsed state" looks cool!

If you want to see what I'm talking about, check out this page:

https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/32RBBkFSMtvXtQD... (read more)

Hi, I'm new here, and I share your appreciation for the design of the site and particularly the comments system. It's amazing!! <3