Won't downvote, and also, upvoting until 6 karma.
Debate me in private and at least one of us will give the other much information that the other has not considered, I expect.
Why in private? Well I don't on average want to pollute the public half of LessWrong with defense of political non-neutrality; that would not help the community. In the context that I have done so, the relevance was sufficiently great.
It is beneath my epistemic dignity to be tribally mind-killed, for one social faction or another. I will not predictably sacrifice my mind on the altar of countersignaling the outgroup.
It is beneath my epistemic dignity to be mind-killed by status flinches -- to study any topic because of its social status rather than its instrumental worth alone. I refuse to be status-killed.
In my medianworld's culture, it's beneath everyone's epistemic dignity to be lessened as people by social flinches or tribal distortions. Status points aren't bits of Bayesian evidence; they don't count towards fixing your model of the world, not even a smidgen.
On the Epistemic Scale, Fool's Gold Weighs Nothing
It's in the physics of our universe that inference is everywhere. Possible configurations are correlated with possible observations, and algorithms that best leverage that correlation have an edge over algorithms that don't.
Epistemic scales are applications of Bayesian inference that we, as embedded algorithms, wield. The universe bequeaths to us a certain amount of correlational evidence. We then make what use of it we will.
If we place illegitimate weights on our epistemic scale by factoring in our status or tribal considerations, we predictably see the world less clearly. We turn a blind eye to something the universe is telling us.
When we weigh plans -- predicted outcomes conditional on various feasible actions -- flinching away from a plan because it feels like it's too high-status an action will predictably worsen our planning. A slight flinch away from embarrassing or scary plans will slightly deafen you to what the universe is saying. A major hang-up could easily a priori exclude the important section of the action space and doom you from the very get go.