by [anonymous]
1 min read


The show Extra Credits released a video today about the singularity. The show's audience is video gamers. Some of these gamers may not know about the singularity, but may become interested upon hearing about it.

The video itself is a very basic, non-technical introduction to the concept of intelligence explosion. It discusses it in the context of video games. At the end, they plug the SIAI as a place to go for more info.

I thought the video and the plug were pretty awesome, and wanted to share. If you think they're awesome, too, then take a second to give the video a view. Let's positively reinforce this kind of behavior. Here's the link:

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Cool. My favorite part is the "Pascal's Wager" subliminal message.

How popular is Extra Credits? It's being hosted on Penny-Arcade which has a fairly large following. Curious if this translated into any kind of meaningful blip on Singinst's traffic.

Very popular. To give a sense of scale when it was hosted on the escapist the artist was diagnosed with a shoulder injury, they asked fr donations and rapidly had tens of thousands of dollars. They're using the excess to start a non-profit for game design innovation. It's also particularly popular inside the games industry.

Now would be a very good time for LW people to go on the forums and answer questions/provide links back here.

I saw that other people were already doing that, so I didn't jump in. I think perhaps the best idea was the guy who linked back the Fun Theory Sequence.

Yes, particularly as they've done videos about skinner box techniques etc.

My favorite part is the "Pascal's Wager" subliminal message.

Where is it approximately?

Latter half I think. He says the word "wager" and for about a second a diagram of Pascal's Wager appears.

Oh, yeah. Cool.

Thanks: Added here.