Anyone who's bothered to notice the trend of my posts and comments to Less Wrong has probably noticed that I aim to be as metacontrarian and contentious as possible.
Better aim to be less wrong!
I'd really like anyone else who has a blog about anything mildly related to rationality to post a link in their own discussion post.
I attempted to bring some rationality to the mind-killer here; writing about understanding the scope of theorems rather than blindly chanting 'comparative advantage', that socialists aren't inherently evil, etc.
I liked those articles: keen application of standard LW methods. Consider linking to them from a top-level (discussion) post, as this post does.
I've read through what you have so far; some of them are decent, but why are they on a separate blog?
They're not about rationality, they're more organized this way, I have a smaller and more selected audience, and don't have to worry as much about wasting peoples' time or sanity, thus making it easier for me to braindump. A big part of why I'm writing is so that people I work with at SIAI can examine some of my intuitions, since I'm not good at explaining them on the fly. It also makes me appear more productive than just reading a bunch of books and storing them in my brain, waiting for big insights.
Spewing out lots of content also seems personally useful since I'm not that good a writer, and I strongly dislike being not-great at things.
If you want to know what that something-like-Friendliness is, you can read the blog! You can find it here: (About page here: )
Anyone who's bothered to notice the trend of my posts and comments to Less Wrong has probably noticed that I aim to be as metacontrarian and contentious as possible. Other times I run small social experiments. Sometimes this is interesting, sometimes it's probably just frustrating, but I do hope it's at least thought-provoking. With my blog I'm trying to showcase interesting ideas more than bring up counterintuitive alternatives, so perhaps those who don't generally like my posts/comments will still find my blog tolerable. It's also about something that I take more seriously than other rationality-related topics, that is, building an AI that does what we want it to do.
The names of of the posts I've put up already: "What are humans?", "Are evolved drives satiable?", "Why extrapolate?", and "Gene/meme/teme sanity equilibria".
I hope to get a new post out every few days, but honestly I have no idea if I'll succeed in that. At the very least I have a few weeks' worth of cached ideas to post, and I'll continue studying related things in the meantime.
I'd really like anyone else who has a blog about anything mildly related to rationality to post a link in their own discussion post. Currently I only know to follow Vladimir Nesov and Luke Grecki (whose blogs are linked to from mine), and my RSS feed has room for many more.