TLDR – Apply now to ESPR and PAIR. ESPR welcomes students between 16-19 years. PAIR is for students between 16-21 years.

The FABRIC team is running two immersive summer workshops for mathematically talented students this year.

The Program on AI and Reasoning (PAIR) is for students with an interest in artificial intelligence, cognition, and minds in general. 

  • We will study how current AI systems work, mathematical theories about human minds, and how the two relate. Alumni of previous PAIR described the content as a blend of AI, mathematics and introspection, but also highlighted that a large part of the experience are informal conversations or small group activities. See the curriculum details.
  • For students who are 16-21 years old
  • July 29th - August 8th in Somerset, United Kingdom

The European Summer Program on Rationality (ESPR) is for students with a desire to understand themselves and the world, and interest in applied rationality.

  • The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, from game theory, cryptography, and mathematical logic, to AI, styles of communication, and cognitive science. The goal of the program is to help students hone rigorous, quantitative skills as they acquire a toolbox of useful concepts and practical techniques applicable in all walks of life. See the content details.
  • For students who are 16-19 years old
  • August 15th - August 25th in Oxford, United Kingdom 

We encourage all Lesswrong readers interested in these topics who are within the respective age windows to apply!

Both programs are free for accepted students, travel scholarships are available. Apply to both camps here. The application deadline is Sunday May 19th. 

If you know people within the age window who might enjoy these camps, please send them the link to the FABRIC website which has an overview of all our camps.

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I'm 21 now, do I qualify for the PAIR program?

Yes, you can. But, do it fast, because the extended deadline is tomorrow, the 26th of may.

When will Stage 2 results be released?

Hopefully before the end of the month! More than a half of the applications were submitted only over the weekend, so there's a lot to evaluate.

Thanks! I am excited to see if I am accepted forward.