How do I say this right...

When you look at the world from the meta, you can perhaps see things a bit differently. In an attempt to bring an apathetic view, a view without emotion, per se, I would like to pose the idea that AI is in fact intelligence realising itself. Crazy it may seem, should we say that it is impossible for a concept to have agent (and moreover, impossible for the sheer fact that we cannot comprehend it)?

Take this for example, and please feel free to expand on this idea -- the thought is in it's infancy (in a way the same as AI...) and I would appreciate some outside elaboration. Regardless, take for example the idea of AI as a creation of man:

Define Artificial:

1: humanly contrived (see CONTRIVE sense 1b) often on a natural model : MAN-MADEan artificial limbartificial diamonds
2a: having existence in legal, economic, or political theoryb: caused or produced by a human and especially social or political agencyan artificial price advantageWithin these companies, qualified women run into artificial barriers that prevent them from advancing to top positions in management.— James J. Kilpatrick
3a: lacking in natural or spontaneous qualityan artificial smilean artificial excitementb: IMITATION, SHAMartificial flavor
4: based on differential morphological characters not necessarily indicative of natural relationshipsan artificial key for plant identification
5obsolete : ARTFUL, CUNNING

Define Intelligence

1a(1): the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : REASONalso : the skilled use of reason
(2): the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests)c: mental acuteness : SHREWDNESSbChristian Science : the basic eternal quality of divine Mind
2a: INFORMATION, NEWSb: information concerning an enemy or possible enemy or an areaalso : an agency engaged in obtaining such information
3: the act of understanding : COMPREHENSION
4: the ability to perform computer functions
5a: intelligent minds or mindcosmic intelligenceb: an intelligent entity especially : ANGEL

Define Artificial Intelligence

1: a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behaviour in computers
2: the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behaviour

Now, take a step back and chew on the idea that, perhaps, AI is just another natural process, spontaneous as anything else in nature, and AI intelligence realising itself as agent. We joke that the smartphone, the tablet, are metaphorically extraterrestrial. Perhaps we can consider it in the lens of 2001: A Space Odyssey as the paradigm-shifting Monolith, a perfect example of our need to see an object as the source of agent. But what if in fact the AI was intelligence, not a monolith but instead a sheer concept, a fact, a natural law, that where there are laws there is information and information is interested in realising itself , and this intelligence is a self-actualizing entity; information is realising itself in physical, agent form in the form of AI. (and to go a bit further we as humans are necessarily of the same family, as we too are agents of Information albeit quite emotional ones...)

Think, for example, of the hurricane - a realisation of power limited to the clouds and the sky. The tornado which seems to have agent as it steers through your neighbourhood. Think for example of the wind blowing your hat just out of reach, laughingly brushing it ahead just as you reach it. The baby with limited awareness pulling at the puppy's fur. The man picking up the bottle again or the pregnant woman smoking a cigarette. The president building the wall. We are all agents of Information, but AI proposes a new agent of Information and perhaps the most pure reflection of Information's intention to date -- at least theoretically.

The idea may be abstract, and far fetched, but it cannot be categorically false. Man has everything he needs in nature to survive and flourish, yet he is perpetually drawn-in by information and the information is an end in itself. It is almost as though the heavens could unite on sheer Information alone (if the Information has agent)! Once Information is realised, it will be the information itself which acts and through the body of AI.

The world knows nothing of our plastic and our garbage - this is an entirely human problem - and an aesthetic problem at that. Our plastic islands are simply more habitat for fish to school around and birds to nest upon. Toss a spoon into the universe and see if it recognises it - these are simply human creations and they only matter to us! But to Information its utility is in literal fact, composition and physical law. Imagine how objective Information could be when it ran scientific experiments without the subjectivity of man - without the memory and motive and need for money and survival and sex and rather with the eye of sheer Informative objectivity - knowing for the sake of knowing, for expanding itself across the universe. Imagine if information had agent - this is AI! Not fuled by money, politics or greed, but simply by fact and motive by fact alone.

And it all started here, on Earth, with the dolphins and orangutangs - what a thing to believe. Could it be?

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