Discussion article for the meetup : Fifth Buenos Aires LessWrong meetup

WHEN: 09 August 2014 04:00:00PM (-0300)

WHERE: Roseti 1380, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

This will be our fifth Buenos Aires LessWrong meetup.

On this occasion, Pablo will give a brief introductory presentation about effective altruism, followed by discussion. Optional reading material:

The meeting will take place at GarageLab.

To stay informed about future meetups, please subscribe to our Google group.

Hope to see you there!

Discussion article for the meetup : Fifth Buenos Aires LessWrong meetup

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I'll be there.

Great, the meetings are back! I'm planning to be there.

Going to be slightly late, sorry.

Uhh, guys. Went there; there were no markings other than the house number, and nobody responded to knocks or the bell. Roseti 1380.

Great timing. Coincides well.