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Hey, mod here. I'm going reject your wave function post right now since it's a topic that tends to attract confused writing, so we have a policy against letting people make their first post be about. We prefer users establish a track record of good posting about other topics before writing about quantum, consciousness, theories of everything, etc. Cheers and good luck!
The unoriginal premise is that everything in our universe is being “written from,” or “running off of,” the hypothetical information level, and the IL exists outside of our universe.
Moving from there, the following two steps describe an information level interpretation of wave function "collapse":
1-The IL processes and stores data pertaining to what is actually, from an IL point of view, a wave-photons packet. The data include the changing position of the wave and the changing positions of the photons (which, from our perspective, are only “hypothetical” at this point). However, only the wave properties are “written” to our universe. That is why we believe the light is a wave at this point in the relative time of our universe.
2-We measure the light wave (which is actually a wave-photons packet from the pov of the IL). The process of measurement directly triggers the IL to randomly select one of the photons to “display” (be “written” to) our universe. Additionally, the IL ceases to “display” the wave portion of the packet. This is why we, as humans, may think of the wave as having “collapsed.”
This interpretation is no more complicated than the “Many Worlds” interpretation. Furthermore, the “Many Worlds” interpretation does not explain/interpret how the worlds “split apart” upon measurement.
#quantumPhysics #theoreticalPhysics #physics #manyWorlds