From Charlie Stross' blog:

I'm in Munich this week, and I plan to be drinking in the Paulaner Brauhaus(Kapuzinerplatz 5, 80337 München; click here for map) from 7pm on Monday 18th. All welcome! (Yes, I will sign books if you bring them.) If in doubt, look for the plush Cthulhu!

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Charlie's favourite commentator on transumanism appears to be Dale Carrico.

Dunno why this was downvoted. If Stross is often wrong is that not all the more good reason to have a beer with him?

Even one-on-one, your odds of having an opportunity to speak are slim.

Me neither. I am actually not familiar with his work, but knew he is known in the singularity/transhumanism camp. I've heard two discussions with him (with Paul Krugman and on Singularity on 1 on 1) and he came across as well articulated and with a decent understanding of the issues. He talked about how he changed his mind and grew more skeptical of singularity, but I don't know what causes this hostile reaction... :) Oh well...

Well ... he said that the Singularity is more or less (his) literal fiction. I don't need to talk with him so much, to travel 400 km.

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