If you have a drug with 30% efficacy, that’s good. If you have a drug that is 50% effective half the time and 10% effective the other half, depending on who it is used on, and you can’t tell who is who, then you still have a 30% effective drug.
Worst case, you have a 10% effective drug. Do people want that? (Probably.)
Omicronomicon is a portmanteau of Omicron and Necronomicon, a book of evil magical power in the H.P. Lovecraft mythos.
While Paxlovid Remains Illegal and is expected to remain illegal for at least several weeks, the FDA did manage to finally meet to discuss whether or not to legalize the other Covid-19 treatment pill, Merck’s Molunpiravir. While later data reduced effectiveness estimates from 50% to 30%, that’s still much better than 0% and it uses a unique mechanism that can probably be profitably combined with other treatments, so one might naively think that after sufficient stalling for appearances this would be easy.
One would be wrong. The vote was 13-10, was restricted to those at high risk, and could easily have failed outright.
I may want to later refer back to this, so it’s splitting off into its own post.
High Level Summary
Usually we get live-blogs from Helen Branswell and Mattew Herper. They held off and only issued a summary post later on this time, perhaps because the meeting was too painful. Luckily, my commenter Weekend Editor is excellent at summarizing such meetings, so I’ll quote their summary in full, link goes to their full post. After the summary, I’ll note the salient other details in the full post.
This is an interesting mix of good and bad thinking. Yes, it’s possible that the 50% vs. 30% thing wasn’t random, but why is that an issue here?
If you have a drug with 30% efficacy, that’s good. If you have a drug that is 50% effective half the time and 10% effective the other half, depending on who it is used on, and you can’t tell who is who, then you still have a 30% effective drug.
The difference is that because of the way you are now stacking your coin flips, it feels like you are now giving a 10% effective drug to some people without knowing it? Or there’s the ‘problem’ that if you knew more you could differentiate between the two populations, so now you have an imperfect procedure and it wouldn’t be ‘ethical’ somehow to proceed, or you’re blameworthy when the drug doesn’t work in a particular case?
I’m glad this didn’t cause a veto for enough voters, but consider that if this wasn’t an emergency situation, it might have caused one, despite being good news since it opens up the possibility of doing better once we know more.
Then again, perhaps the argument is that experiments are illegal except for getting drugs approved, so if we approved the drug we’d never run the experiment? Which has a certain kind of dystopian logic to it, I suppose.
Of course, same as it ever was, we stopped the study when the early results looked so good, and now we’re saying the results are at most barely good enough…
Points for Omicronomicon, that’s great, and given the timing I hope it was all dry goods that will keep for a long time. In any case, a pregnancy test is quick and cheap, and damaged babies are considered quite bad, so I have no issue with this requirement, even though in practice it’s going to be painfully dumb a large percentage of the time. Given this is a treatment for those already sick, it would take a very large concern to make taking this a bad idea otherwise.
This is of course completely crazy and illustrates how twisted their frameworks have become. Molnupiravir and Paxlovid are probably complements because they have different mechanisms, and the existence of a life saving medicine (that is currently illegal, thanks to you murderous madmen) is no reason to then make a different lifesaving medicine illegal because there’s a better option. If Paxlovid is legal and available and so is Molunpiravir, are they worried people who could have been given Paxlovid won’t be given Paxlovid?
Then there’s the crazy of the monoclonal abs argument and the ‘need’ for this new treatment as a justification. Once again, these treatments are complements, and also I can’t help but notice that a lot of people are dying of Covid-19 and we’re worried about a lack of hospital capacity and all that? It’s like the FDA thinks you only get one treatment (because who would dare use more than one without a Proper Scientific Study and a Standard of Care, or something) and therefore they have to ban all but the best treatment no matter the issues of cost and supply? The hell?
When they tried this insanity with boosters, limiting who can have access without legal liability to life saving medicine and thus allowing people to die, in order to satisfy arcane ‘ethical’ requirements, the states increasingly overruled the FDA. I very much hope that they do this again. But I fear that given the ‘mutagenicity’ issue doctors will rightfully fear lawsuits from people who claim nonsensical ‘mutations’ happened to them, and so won’t be able to give Molunpiravir to a lot of their patients, resulting in a bunch of people dying and hospitals filling up faster.
Yes, still true, although they now have a distinct downside. They may lead to a lifesaving medicine, that is currently on track to be at least sort of legal, becoming illegal once more.
And it’s only on track to be legal rather than legal, with substantial doubt, because the FDA administer has to sign off, then the CDC advisory committee has to meet and then the CDC management has to approve. Given what we’ve seen so far, all of these steps are at risk.
However, it’s also important to note this concern, even if it didn’t make the comment summary and seems like it wasn’t considered too important:
This does seem like a real concern if it’s even slightly well-founded, and a good reason to consider not approving the drug. The downside of doing this could be very, very high. If this was the reason given for rejection, I might even accept it. Here’s what the Stat news summary had to report about that.
It seems appropriate here to have some amount of model error, and to actually do the calculation.
That’s the high level result.
Key Facts
There’s always a lot of good information at these meetings. What is it important to know?
Here’s the protocol:
This also means that if you catch the problem quickly, we would probably see much better than 30% efficacy. This effect has to be continuous, there’s nothing special about five days in particular.
The safety profile definitely more than passes my bar of ‘if this is unsafe then it’s nowhere near as unsafe as not using it so give it to me.’ If I get sick, I want treatment, and yet they are intending to make it illegal for me to get it, even outside issues of ‘delay.’
For a drug with 30% efficacy against hospitalization, that’s a rather good ratio. Sample size is small, but I suspect that the 30% is an underestimate.
It works. Weekend Editor notes this graph.
Weekend Editor suggests Molunpiravir might reduce everyone’s risk down to a similar baseline, based on this graph, which is interesting. Then again, have we considered that these sample sizes are too low and that’s why everything’s so noisy ? Still it is suggestive, and it is suggestive that the effective reduction in hospitalization and death could be much higher than 30% in practice.
If five days is daunting, how are we going to get Paxlovid to people within three? Also, seriously, five days is an insanely long amount of time, if it’s not enough then FIX IT.
The Actual Decision
It’s good to have a reference handy of how everyone voted, to compare with other votes in the future, or for other reasons.
From the Stat news summary, some insight into what some people were thinking.
Then again that seems to directly contradict this summary viewpoint from the same article:
This suggests that being an oral treatment was (correctly, I’d presume) considered an important advantage?
It also suggests that this decision was indeed very close and another similarly effective drug could easily have been rejected in this spot.
What is ‘overwhelmingly good?’ I’m guessing that if it were standard of care, and someone were suggesting not using it, the 30% would be enough to make this seem completely crazy and unacceptable. It’s all about framing.
It has to be ‘an advance’ because one does not simply use it in addition to other tools, and it’s a disadvantage that it is an oral medication in the context of whether it is ‘an advance’ in this other sense, even though in terms of usefulness it is a rather big advance, and the process is looking at a bunch of veto considerations rather than doing a cost-benefit analysis.