Have a model that doesn't belong somewhere else? Add it here.

Links will be moved to question-specific pages as appropriate.


Value of Hand Washing

Value of masks

How's the case for wearing googles for COVID-19 protection when in public transportation? (no answers)

How long does SARS-CoV-2 survive on copper surfaces?

How much food do I need to have stored?

Practical advice with justifications (not intended to be comprehensive)

Is there an asymptomatic infectious phase?


How to model the poorly measured infection rate, given information we have?

Anonymous model of hospitalizations in Italy (h/t https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/ )

Exponential growth modelling of COVID-19 cases outside China — Rob Wiblin (h/t https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/ )

Dashboards and Places to Get Current State Information





How are people tracking confirmed Coronavirus cases / Coronavirus deaths?

SF Chronicle (CA only)

https://coronamap.site/ (Korea only) (h/t https://coronavirustechhandbook.com/ )




https://co.vid19.sg/dashboard (Singapore only)

Next Strain (sequencing information)


germinfo.com (news)

What are the Risks of...

accepting delivery (food/packages)?

public transit?

large gatherings

Best Introductions

True Facts About Coronavirus

Estimates of estimates of basic epidemiological parameters of the coronavirus, such as incubation rate, doubling times, probability of symptomatic infections, delay from disease onset to death, probability of death among symptomatics, etc

Coronavirus science

Grabbag Models

What's my chance of coronavirus, given I have a fever?

Will nCoV survivors suffer lasting disability at a high rate?

What is the course of COVID-19?

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