So, I was on TV Tropes creating an article, and I thought maybe you guys could help me add fictional as well as notable Real Life examples to the trope. Here's a copy of the description:
Some kids who are more intelligent than other kids the same age might grow up acting their intellectual age, forsaking interaction with other children their age which they deem to be boring and unfulfilling, if not outright painful or worse. This can be especially bad if they make a habit of pointing out to other kids what they think they are doing wrong, asking uncomfortable questions, or acting smug and superior. Instead, they prefer the company of books which can either efficiently and consistenty entertain them either by allowing them to escape the dreary world they think they live in or by actually answering their questions, or that of adults who can actually teach them stuff and provide an interesting feedback.
When those kids grow up they might end up being very disappointed by those adult figures they used to respect enough to discuss stuff with. If they have outgrown the Insufferable Genius phase they might go through a backlash face where they undertake Man Child activities as they rediscover (oftentimes with the aid of scientific material) how to interact with the vast majority of mankind as well as their peers[[hottip:*:these characters tend to be as different from each other as they are from the mainstream, connecting through each other through common interests, often of a geeky nature, or through work]]. Having no practice, no natural social skills, they can still become fascinated with societal behavior, and actively strive to learn a lot about them, in a quest to feel "together" with everyone else and to be loved and appreciated for who they are. Cognitive Sciences are a very favoured way for them to understand how people behave in ways that don't seem to make any sense, and learn some humility on the way. Evolutionary Psychology helps them understand that there is a perfectly good reason these systematic errors were hardwired into the human brain. Pick Up Arts are they way they try to apply that knowledge to succeed in their romantic lives, or at least to understand exactly why they don't and others do. There's also other fields of psychology and sociology, political sciences, economics, graphology, neurolinguistic programming, body language.., However, it's all book knowledge, and these characters are usually poor at application, at least until the get more practice done. And there are rather big holes in their knowledge.They might genuinely not realize how rude they can be. However, given that they tend to have few friends and that it often took them much effort to acquire said friends, you can expect them to be fiercely loyal and supportive to them, Characters who achieve success in their journey might become A Gentleman/Lady And A Scholar. Examples:
- Amy Farrah Fowler from The Big Bang Theory is this trope incarnate, and is an interesting foil to Insufferable Genius Ambiguously Autistic Jerk Ass Sheldon Cooper who despises all of the rest of humanity and wants no part of it, yet always wants to assume roles of leadership and be obeyed and followed by all those unworthy people. Many other characters in the series struggle with this.
- Promethean The Created's Pilgrinage shares some themes with this trope, to the point one might wonder if it isn't a metaphor.
- Genius The Transgression's main, overarching theme can be said to be that this trope is doomed to a Foregone Conclusion of complete and utter failure sooner or later, and the bitterness that resutls from this.
- The Less Wrong blog seems to have this as part of its interests. It even provides an answer to "How To Be Happy", based on a number of scientific studies.
I mentioned this place by name because I got the impression many guys here do fit this trope to an extent. As such, I'm sure you'd have paid more attention than others to fictional embodiments of the trope. I also think it'd be interesting fodder for discussion. I apologize in advance if the article is inadvertently offensive: I tend to be Innocently Insensitive myself, and would gladly welcome help to improve on this article's accuracy and range.
Anyway, what would you guys say about the part on whether it's a bit of our stated goals to achieve this and ultimately become Gentle(wo)men and Scholars