I've worked on a lot of these things, with varying levels of success.
More generally, the PUA community has done a lot of work on how to improve social skills and social IQ. There's a lot of BS and toxic frames in that community, but also a bunch of great exercises and data, if you're willing to sift through.
I'm definitely willing to sift through things in the PUA community to give myself some grounding in what to go ahead and do, can you give me any suggestions of where to start looking?
Something I struggle with (probably largely due to ADHD) is building habits/patterns of being aware of things I want to notice/practice cognitively.
For example, I find myself easily becoming somewhat thoughtless in social situations, in that I do not stop to observe, think, and measure my actions and responses at all. I have, for a couple years now, been intending to work on this, and not really doing anything to act on this intention. I often plan to step back and just observe in social situations, but never do.
Since I struggle with this, I figure that the best thing I can do now is try and pick up some strategies for both reminding myself to think back to cognitive patterns I want to build when I enter into the relevant situation, and for doing said things.
So, does anyone have suggestions on how one can: