EDIT: The fundraiser was successfully completed, raising the full $500 for worthwhile charities. Yay!

Today's my birthday! And per Peter Hurford's suggestion, I'm holding a birthday fundraiser to help raise money for MIRI, GiveDirectly, and Mercy for Animals. If you like my activity on LW or elsewhere, please consider giving a few dollars to one of these organizations via the fundraiser page. You can specify which organization you wish to donate in the comment of the donation, or just leave it unspecified, in which case I'll give your donation to MIRI.

If you don't happen to be particularly altruistically motivated, just consider it a birthday gift to me - it will give me warm fuzzies to know that I helped move money for worthy organizations. And if you are altruistically motivated but don't care about me in particular, maybe you still can get yourself to donate more than usual by hacky stuff like someone you know on the Internet having a birthday. :)

If someone else wants to hold their own birthday fundraiser, here are some tips: birthday fundraisers.

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This is the first time I've run into Mercy for Animals. Is there a third-part analysis of effectiveness?

I chose them based on the recommendation from Animal Charity Evaluators: here are ACE's short and full reports.