Well, that might be editorializing on my part, but you'll see what I mean ...

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Definitely editorializing on your part.


95% confidence? :P

Well, OK, if I had to actually assess a probability I'd go with something more like 7/8 or 8/9...

And the moral of the story is to never stop playing Minecraft.

You don't have to be a Bayesian to do a correction for multiple comparisons. The scientists in the comic just did their job badly.


Comic endorsing Bonferroni corrections!

More of a critique of hypothesis testing than an endorsement of Bayes stats. It is a pretty tough criticism though.

Come on, it's about journalists' sloppiness in understanding technical statements. What the minecraft people said was certainty correct.

It's the file-drawer problem in comic form.

Makes me wish initiatives like U of Ottawa's JI-R would turn into real journals that could reliably publish at least quarterly.

It's an excellent comic in that you can see room for improvement in every step. With better hypothesis generation, we control the number of false positives by controlling the number of false hypotheses--maybe they should have just kept playing Minecraft?

I just came here to post the same comic. :)