Discussion article for the meetup : Utrecht: Debiasing techniques

WHEN: 21 September 2014 02:00:00PM (+0200)

WHERE: Utrecht, Netherlands

We have biweekly meetups in a pub in Utrecht, near Central Station. This time we will discuss debiasing techniques. For details, please look at meetup.com, which is supposed to be up-to-date. http://www.meetup.com/LWEANL/ Address: Film Café Oskar, Slachtstraat 5 Filmcafé OSKAR Slachtstraat 5 (bij De Neude) 3512 BC UTRECHT

Discussion article for the meetup : Utrecht: Debiasing techniques

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Please include the meetup location (Utrecht) in the meetup names, ideally at the beginning. Otherwise people have to click through in order to determine if the meetup is relevant to them. Thanks!

Ok, I'll do that.


If you could, please write something about which techniques you are going to use or point to the scourses. I tried, but didn´t find a lot of relevant material.

We will put a more detailed description later at meetup.com: http://www.meetup.com/LWEANL/events/200065632/ You can also ask Sören. (LW username SoerenMind)

Hi efim!

I updated the description in the link on meetup.com that Imma gave. To give you some extra detail, we'll talk about: Which biases are hard/easy to correct? When does knowing about the existence of a bias help and when not? Which debiasing techniques are there (reversal test, consider the opposite, reference class forecasting...) and what are generally useful guidelines to stay rational? We'll run an experiment on confidence intervals and do a mini-RCT with a debiasing technique that hasn't been scientifically validated yet. I'll also share some links that I believe are useful to correct our decision-making errors.

Hope to see you there and sorry for the late reply!

Edit: this meetup is on 21 September and not on 20 September, because we decided to have our meetups on Sundays (biweekly) from then on.

Ooh, debiasing techniques, sounds cool. My brother and I will be attending this one. Is there any pre-reading we should do?