Discussion article for the meetup : Regular Moscow meetup: Löb's theorem, ways of mind improvement, DEL group, Zendo

WHEN: 19 July 2015 02:00:00PM (+0300)

WHERE: Москва, Льва Толстого, 16

We're meeting at Yandex, at the Extropolis conference hall. Please fill this form OR join this FB event if you're planning to visit.

We have two one-hour talks planned:

  1. Mikhail Dektyarev about MIRI's work on modal agents in prisoner's dilemma.
  2. turchin on the roadmap of the ways of mind improvement.

We'll have our regular Dynamic Epistemic Logic group with Pion and Denis (read some links from project's pad if you want to participate).

Alexander230 will organize the game of Zendo.

Detailed schedule.

Information for the newcomers:

Here's the document explaining how to get to our meetups and what to expect. If you have any questions, or if you don't speak Russian and can't read the link, shoot me a PM.

Discussion article for the meetup : Regular Moscow meetup: Löb's theorem, ways of mind improvement, DEL group, Zendo

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