Discussion article for the meetup : San Francisco / App Academy meetup [LOCATION CHANGE]

WHEN: 07 December 2013 07:00:00PM (-0800)

WHERE: Olivos Restaurant 1017 Larkin Street San Francisco, CA 94109

I've recently arrived in San Francisco for App Academy, and it turns out there are several other LessWrongers in the program. It's a cool group of people, including a guy who studied AIXI at ANU under Marcus Hutter. We talked it over and decided to organize our own meetup at Olivos, a restaurant that's within 20 minutes walking distance of the App Academy office. We'll be discussing Brian Tomasik's essay The Importance of Wild-Animal Suffering. Please read it ahead of time; it's short. The intent is for people to be able to get food and/or drinks if they want to, but it's not assumed that everyone will. RSVP's are appreciated so we can make a reservation, but we'll try to save a couple seats for any extra people who show up. EDIT: After talking amonst ourselves, we decided to change the choice of restaurant.

Discussion article for the meetup : San Francisco / App Academy meetup [LOCATION CHANGE]

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Awesome! I'm an appacademy grad and I definitely wanna make it. I may also be able to bring 1-4 people from my AppAcademy Dungeons and Dragons group :D

You may want to cross-post to the mostly-dormant lw-sf@googlegroups.com or the large bayarealesswrong@googlegroups.com .


I will be there.

Did you notice that the year listed is 2014? I think that's a mistake.

I can probably make it.