Welcome to Less Wrong! has over 1300 comments, but the display only offers 500 newest or 500 oldest, which makes it difficult if anyone wants to look at the whole thing. At a minimum, I recommend a second Welcome! post, but it might also be good to break up the first one (Welcome 1a and 1b, perhaps), and have a policy of a new Welcome post every 700 comments or so.

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2 comments, sorted by Click to highlight new comments since: Today at 7:23 PM

We did this a while ago, but it's time to do it again (the second Welcome post has almost 700 comments now). Hang on a bit.

EDIT: OK, I've done it (and anticipated the new year by a few days); I also changed the second post to send people to the new one. I also asked MBlume to do something similar with the original thread (because people keep winding up there).

I've takent he liberty of editing the relevant wiki page as well, to mention the current 2012 page.