Never been to a meetup before-- How boozy do they tend to get? I'd like to know if I should take the bus or not.
Sorry, I didn't notice this comment until just now. Usually, less than or equal to half of the table will have a single drink, two at most. Enough that people are comfortable and talkative, but not partying. Only once was someone ever drunk (and that was a game night). If you drink enough that you need to take the bus home, you will probably have drunk more than everyone else.
Discussion article for the meetup : West LA Meetup - Type 1 to Type 2 Bridging
WHEN: 16 January 2013 07:00:00PM (-0800)
WHERE: 10850 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90064
Orion will be hosting this week's meetup, and asked me to post the following:
When: 7:00pm Wednesday, January 16th.
Where: The Westside Tavern in the upstairs Wine Bar (all ages welcome), located inside the Westside Pavillion on the second floor, right by the movie theaters. The entrance sign says "Lounge".
Parking is free for 3 hours.
Lecture/Discussion: This meetup will be oriented around building one of two systems: either escape hatches to require ourselves to fallback to deliberate decision making (Type 2 thinking) when it matters, or rebuilding our first-glance judgments (Type 1 thinking) to be heuristics that work better for our goals. Particularly of note are resources on the habit-forming, which while somewhat tangential, are generally interesting. See BJ Fogg on habits and Roy Baumeister on ego depletion for a general idea of the discussion topics.
No foreknowledge or exposure to Less Wrong is necessary; this will be generally accessable and useful to anyone who values thinking for themselves. There will be open general conversation until 7:30, and that's always a lot of good, fun, intelligent discussion!
Nick will bring a whiteboard with Bayes' Theorem written on it, and I'll generally swoop in to rescue anyone feeling particularly embarrassed about asking strangers if they're from Less Wrong (which is not at all embarrassing, so don't worry about asking!)
Discussion article for the meetup : West LA Meetup - Type 1 to Type 2 Bridging