I'm not sure how well this translates to multi winner elections, but I think it's a cool method.
Minimum Partial Consensus Voting Fair group decisions via non-deterministic proportional consensus
Jobst Heitzig, Forest W. Simmons and Sara M. Constantino
Springer Nature 2021
paper: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3751225
Identify, or prove impossibility, of a voting system which incentivizes—
Properties of Multiwinner voting systems
There's strikingly little research on multiwinner voting systems. You can find a table of criteria for single-winner systems on Wikipedia, but if you try and find the same for multi-winner systems, there's nothing. Here's 9 important criteria we can judge multiwinner voting systems on:
I'm curious which combinations of these properties exist. Probabilistic/weighted voting systems are allowed.