AI labs are starting to build AIs with capabilities that are hard for humans to oversee, such as answering questions based on large contexts (1M+ tokens), but they are still not deploying "scalable oversight" techniques such as IDA and Debate. (Gemini 1.5 report says RLHF was used.) Is this more good news or bad news?
Good: Perhaps RLHF is still working well enough, meaning that the resulting AI is following human preferences even out of training distribution. In other words, they probably did RLHF on large contexts in narrow distributions, with human rater who have prior knowledge/familiarity of the whole context, since it would be too expensive to do RLHF with humans reading diverse 1M+ contexts from scratch, but the resulting chatbot is working well even outside the training distribution. (Is it actually working well? Can someone with access to Gemini 1.5 Pro please test this?)
Bad: AI developers haven't taken alignment seriously enough to have invested enough in scalable oversight, and/or those techniques are unworkable or too costly, causing them to be unavailable.
From a previous comment:
...From my experience doing early RLHF work for Gemini, larger models exploit the reward mode
I'm thinking that the most ethical (morally least risky) way to "insure" against a scenario in which AI takes off and property/wealth still matters is to buy long-dated far out of the money S&P 500 calls. (The longest dated and farthest out of the money seems to be Dec 2029 10000-strike SPX calls. Spending $78 today on one of these gives a return of $10000 if SPX goes to 20000 by Dec 2029, for example.)
My reasoning here is that I don't want to provide capital to AI industries or suppliers because that seems wrong given what I judge to be high x-risk their activities are causing (otherwise I'd directly invest in them), but I also want to have resources in a post-AGI future in case that turns out to be important for realizing my/moral values. Suggestions welcome for better/alternative ways to do this.
I find it curious that none of my ideas have a following in academia or have been reinvented/rediscovered by academia (including the most influential ones so far UDT, UDASSA, b-money). Not really complaining, as they're already more popular than I had expected (Holden Karnofsky talked extensively about UDASSA on an 80,000 Hour podcast, which surprised me), it just seems strange that the popularity stops right at academia's door. (I think almost no philosophy professor, including ones connected with rationalists/EA, has talked positively about any of my philosophical ideas? And b-money languished for a decade gathering just a single citation in academic literature, until Satoshi reinvented the idea, but outside academia!)
Clearly academia has some blind spots, but how big? Do I just have a knack for finding ideas that academia hates, or are the blind spots actually enormous?
I think the main reason why UDT is not discussed in academia is that it is not a sufficiently rigorous proposal, as well as there not being a published paper on it. Hilary Greaves says the following in this 80k episode:
Then as many of your listeners will know, in the space of AI research, people have been throwing around terms like ‘functional decision theory’ and ‘timeless decision theory’ and ‘updateless decision theory’. I think it’s a lot less clear exactly what these putative alternatives are supposed to be. The literature on those kinds of decision theories hasn’t been written up with the level of precision and rigor that characterizes the discussion of causal and evidential decision theory. So it’s a little bit unclear, at least to my likes, whether there’s genuinely a competitor to decision theory on the table there, or just some intriguing ideas that might one day in the future lead to a rigorous alternative.
I also think it is unclear to what extent UDT and updateless are different from existing ideas in academia that are prima facie similar, like McClennen's (1990) resolute choice and Meacham's (2010, §4.2) cohesive decision theory.[1] Resolute choice in particular h...
It may be worth thinking about why proponents of a very popular idea in this community don't know of its academic analogues, despite them having existed since the early 90s[1] and appearing on the introductory SEP page for dynamic choice.
Academics may in turn ask: clearly LessWrong has some blind spots, but how big?
I was thinking of writing a short post kinda on this topic (EDIT TO ADD: it’s up! See Some (problematic) aesthetics of what constitutes good work in academia), weaving together:
I wrote an academic-style paper once, as part of my job as an intern in a corporate research department. It soured me on the whole endeavor, as I really didn't enjoy the process (writing in the academic style, the submission process, someone insisting that I retract the submission to give them more credit despite my promise to insert the credit before publication), and then it was rejected with two anonymous comments indicating that both reviewers seemed to have totally failed to understand the paper and giving me no chance to try to communicate with them to understand what caused the difficulty. The cherry on top was my mentor/boss indicating that this is totally normal, and I was supposed to just ignore the comments and keep resubmitting the paper to other venues until I run out of venues.
My internship ended around that point and I decided to just post my ideas to mailing lists / discussion forums / my home page in the future.
Also, I think MIRI got FDT published in some academic philosophy journal, and AFAIK nothing came of it?
What is going on with Constitution AI? Does anyone know why no LLM aside from Claude (at least none that I can find) has used it? One would think that if it works about as well as RLHF (which it seems to), AI companies would be flocking to it to save on the cost of human labor?
Also, apparently ChatGPT doesn't know that Constitutional AI is RLAIF (until I reminded it) and Gemini thinks RLAIF and RLHF are the same thing. (Apparently not a fluke as both models made the same error 2 out of 3 times.)
Isn't the basic idea of Constitutional AI just having the AI provide its own training feedback using written instruction? My guess is there was a substantial amount of self-evaluation in the o1 training with complicated written instructions, probably kind of similar to a constituion (though this is just a guess).
I'm increasingly worried that philosophers tend to underestimate the difficulty of philosophy. I've previously criticized Eliezer for this, but it seems to be a more general phenomenon.
Possible explanations:
Philosophy is frequently (probably most of the time) done in order to signal group membership rather than as an attempt to accurately model the world. Just look at political philosophy or philosophy of religion. Most of the observations you note can be explained by philosophers operating at simulacrum level 3 instead of level 1.
If you say to someone
Ok, so, there's this thing about AGI killing everyone. And there's this idea of avoiding that by making AGI that's useful like an AGI but doesn't kill everyone and does stuff we like. And you say you're working on that, or want to work on that. And what you're doing day to day is {some math thing, some programming thing, something about decision theory, ...}. What is the connection between these things?
and then you listen to what they say, and reask the question and interrogate their answers, IME what it very often grounds out into is something like:
Well, I don't know what to do to make aligned AI. But it seems like X ϵ {ontology, decision, preference function, NN latent space, logical uncertainty, reasoning under uncertainty, training procedures, negotiation, coordination, interoperability, planning, ...} is somehow relevant.
...And, I have a formalized version of some small aspect of X in which is mathematically interesting / philosophically intriguing / amenable to testing with a program, and which seems like it's kinda related to X writ large. So what I'm going to do, is I'm going to tinker with this formalized version for a week/month/year, and then I
About a week ago FAR.AI posted a bunch of talks at the 2024 Vienna Alignment Workshop to its YouTube channel, including Supervising AI on hard tasks by Jan Leike.
High population may actually be a problem, because it allows the AI transition to occur at low average human intelligence, hampering its governance. Low fertility/population would force humans to increase average intelligence before creating our successor, perhaps a good thing!
This assumes that it's possible to create better or worse successors, and that higher average human intelligence would lead to smarter/better politicians and policies, increasing our likelihood of building better successors.
Some worry about low fertility leading to a collapse of civilization, but embryo selection for IQ could prevent that, and even if collapse happens, natural selection would start increasing fertility and intelligence of humans again, so future smarter humans should be able to rebuild civilization and restart technological progress.
Added: Here's an example to illustrate my model. Assume a normally distributed population with average IQ of 100 and we need a certain number of people with IQ>130 to achieve AGI. If the total population was to half, then to get the same absolute number of IQ>130 people as today, average IQ would have to increase by 4.5, and if the population was to become 1/10 of the original, average IQ would have to increase by 18.75.
I wrote Smart Losers a long time ago, trying to understand/explain certain human phenomena. But the model could potentially be useful for understanding (certain aspects of) human-AI interactions as well.
Possibly relevant anecdote: Once I was with a group of people who tried various psychological experiments. That day, the organizers proposed that we play iterated Prisonner's Dilemma. I was like "yay, I know the winning strategy, this will be so easy!"
I lost. Almost everyone always defected against me; there wasn't much I could do to get points comparable to other people who mostly cooperated with each other.
After the game, I asked why. (During the game, we were not allowed to communicate, just to write our moves.) The typical answer was something like: "well, you are obviously very smart, so no matter what I do, you will certainly find a way to win against me, so my best option is to play it safe and always defect, to avoid the worst outcome".
I am not even sure if I should be angry at them. I suppose that in real life, when you have about average intelligence, "don't trust people visibly smarter than you" is probably a good strategy, on average, because there are just too many clever scammers walking around. At the same time I feel hurt, because I am a natural altruist and cooperator, so this feels extremely unfair, and a loss for both sides.
(There were other situations in my life where the same pattern probably also applied, but most of the time, you just don't know why other people do whatever they do. This time I was told their reasoning explicitly.)
Are humans fundamentally good or evil? (By "evil" I mean something like "willing to inflict large amounts of harm/suffering on others in pursuit of one's own interests/goals (in a way that can't be plausibly justified as justice or the like)" and by "good" I mean "most people won't do that because they terminally care about others".) People say "power corrupts", but why isn't "power reveals" equally or more true? Looking at some relevant history (people thinking Mao Zedong was sincerely idealistic in his youth, early Chinese Communist Party looked genuine about wanting to learn democracy and freedom from the West, subsequent massive abuses of power by Mao/CCP lasting to today), it's hard to escape the conclusion that altruism is merely a mask that evolution made humans wear in a context-dependent way, to be discarded when opportune (e.g., when one has secured enough power that altruism is no longer very useful).
After writing the above, I was reminded of @Matthew Barnett's AI alignment shouldn’t be conflated with AI moral achievement, which is perhaps the closest previous discussion around here. (Also related are my previous writings about "human safety" although they still used the...
I'm sharing a story about the crew of Enterprise from Star Trek TNG[1].
This was written with AI assistance, and my workflow was to give the general theme to AI, have it write an outline, then each chapter, then manually reorganize the text where needed, request major changes, point out subpar sentences/paragraphs for it to rewrite, and do small manual changes. The AI used was mostly Claude 3.5 Sonnet, which seems significantly better than ChatGPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro at this kind of thing.
getting an intelligence/rationality upgrade, which causes them to
Thank you for your view from inside academia. Some questions to help me get a better sense of what you see:
Would also appreciate any links/citations/quotes (if personal but sharable communications) on these.
These are all things I've said or done due to high estimate of philosophical difficulty, but not (or rarely) seen among academic philosophers, at least from my casual observation from outside academia. It's also possible that we disagree on what estimate of philosophical difficulty is appropriate (such that for example you don't think philosophers should often say or do these things), which would also be interesting to know.