Looking for help with an acausal safety project. If you’re interested or know someone who might be, it would be really great if you let me know/share
2. Be a saint and help with acausal research by doing tedious manual labor and getting little in return
We also need help with various grindy tasks that aren’t super helpful for learning, e.g. turning pdfs with equations etc. into sensible txts to feed to LLMs. If you’re motivated to help with that, we would be extremely grateful.
My current guess is that occasional volunteers are totally fine! There's some onboarding cost but mostly, the cost on our side scales with the number of argument-critique pairs we get. Since the whole point is to have critiques of a large variety of quality, I don't expect the nth argument-critque pair we get to be much more useable than the 1st one. I might be wrong about this one and change my mind as we try this out with people though!
(Btw I didn't get a notification for your comment, so maybe better to dm if you're interested.)